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See the Pen Rates Calc using AngularJS by Aaron (@aeveritt84) on CodePen.

HTML, CSS, AngularJS

Dates & Rates AnjularJS Calculator

Created using AngularJS, this calculator calculates two costs: number of campers (multiple age ranges listed at various prices) and rooms/RV sites needed. It then takes that camper fee (<$2,860) and adds it to the accommodation fee to provide the user a final sum of both totals. The company had a maximum camper fee of $2,860 regardless on the number of campers, so it's developed to have a hard stop at that price. Unfortunately the company wanted to keep maintenance internally, and eventually hired a website designer that added new categories and broke the calculator on their website.


EarthX Footer Social Icons

Set of Social Icons created for a company, still currently being used on EarthX and can be found in the footer of this website.

See the Pen Footer Social Icons Bar by Aaron (@aeveritt84) on CodePen.


Texas Title Insurance Calculator

A Texas title insurance premium calculator, used to calculate multiple different Policy Premium based off the different Purchase Price/Loan Amount brackets specified. Created a reset button so users could check multiple numbers.

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